Ring the Bell for a New Era: FST Holds the NEEQ Listing Ceremony

On August 5, the bell ringing ceremony for the listing of Shenzhen FST Co., Ltd. (stock abbreviation: FST, stock code: 837531) on the National Equities Exchange and Quotations (NEEQ) was held in Beijing. Mr. He Jianhui, Chairman of the board of FST, led shareholders and senior executives in witnessing this important moment.


FST Sponsors and Leads Team to Participate in 2015 World Oceans Day Public Service

On June 7, Shenzhen Blue Ocean Environmental Protection Association hosts 2015 "World Oceans Day" to promote the fish stocking and ocean clean public welfare activity, FST funds and leads a delegation to participate in the activity. This is also the third consecutive year that FST gives free donation to Shenzhen Blue Ocean Environmental Protection Association, to support the ocean environmental protection.


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